steve stemp

Casey Rowan

Data analyst, customer service, content editorial

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5 Quick Fixes to Boost Your Budget

5 Quick Fixes to Boost Your Budget

5 Quick Fixes to Boost Your Budget Simple strategies to stay on top of your budget   Updated by Steve Stemp on 11/4/23 Want to streamline your spending but it feels overwhelming? With all the information on budgeting, complicated financial plans, tips, tricks,...

Quick Cash Strategies

Quick Cash Strategies

Quick Cash Strategies   Sometimes you need cash quickly. Whether this is extra cash to pay for a bill that you weren't expecting, a purchase that you can't pass up, or you have just found yourself running short on funds. Whatever your reasons are for searching...

How to Save More Money

How to Save More Money

How to Save More Money   Have you have been considering how to save more money, and finding that your attempts to get on top of your finances have been met with challenges? You might find that you have been able to save a small amount of money regularly, but you...

How to Automate your Finances

How to Automate your Finances

How to Automate Your Finances Wouldn’t it be great to set your financial goals for the year, and then just forget about them? While life does have a tendency to throw the occasional curveball at you, a bit of planning can go a really long way.  So what will you need?...

Quick Tips to Increase Your Savings

Quick Tips to Increase Your Savings

Quick Tips to Increase Your Savings Wondering how to give your personal savings a bit of a boost? It might be that you are saving for something in particular, or just getting together an emergency fund for those unexpected bills that come up. Nothing feels better than...

The Psychology of Treating Yourself

The Psychology of Treating Yourself

The Psychology of Saving In a perfect world, we can set a budget that is completely practical. We stick to only spending on our essential expenses, limit spending on frivolous items, and have inspiring savings goals that we make steady progress towards. In the real...

Travel on a budget

Travel on a budget

Travel on a Budget Do you have a holiday booked? Are you wondering if it’s possible to still stick to a reasonable budget when you are out of the country? Here we discuss strategies for staying on track with your spending while on vacation, and still having an...

5 Ways to Reduce Debt in 6 months

5 Ways to Reduce Debt in 6 months

5 Ways to Reduce Debt in 6 months It can be easy to get into debt. An extra purchase put on a credit card here or there, a car loan, a big purchase you intended to pay off but somehow found yourself making minimum payments on. Life sometimes gets in the way, and even...

Top 3 Budgeting Mistakes

Top 3 Budgeting Mistakes

Top 3 Budgeting Mistakes So you created a budget, planned for your bills, and stuck to it. But then you check your bank account balance and find that you are down to just a few dollars, and you are days away from being paid. How could this have happened? Sticking to a...